A day in Marsaxlokk, St Peter´s Pool and Pretty Bay


Following the script of our one week trip to Malta, today we went to meet Marsaxlokk, St Peter's Pool and Pretty Bay, in the south of the Main Island.

Monday – 06/19/2023

We had breakfast and my brother and husband went to pick up the rental cars at the airport while I stayed with the kids at the playground in front of the hotel. Unfortunately for us, it was so hot that the little ones didn't get to enjoy the toys that were out in the sun.

The boys arrived with the cars and since Gabriel had to work, my brother parked his car in the public parking lot on the shore and went with us in our car to explore the south of the island. This was the route we took, passing through Marsaxlokk, St Peter's Pool and Pretty Bay:


We drove for about 20 minutes to our first destination of the day. This city is famous for having the largest number of fishermen in the country and, as a result, many colorful boats that beautify its shoreline. There are many seafood restaurants nearby and there is also a very famous market that fills the city on Sundays. We decided to avoid the crowds and planned to go on Monday, but if we didn't have children, we would certainly go in search of the most interesting things the city has to offer.

We arrived close to lunchtime and immediately went looking for a nice restaurant. We called a few from the road that we found on TripAdvisor and even made a reservation, but when we saw it in person, we gave up because it was so empty compared to the others.

We then chose the Our Patron Saint, which was well rated, had tables with a sea view and very friendly and attentive staff who helped us find a good table. We ate really well and loved spending time there enjoying this cute city under umbrellas.

We bought popsicles when we left the restaurant, stopped at a little market to buy my sacred fridge magnet, saw a beautiful church from the outside and got back in the car to head to the next stop of the day.

St Peter's Pool

We drove for less than 10 minutes and arrived at the beautiful St Peter's Pool. We parked the car in an empty parking lot right above the pool and walked down the hill to sea level. What a beautiful place, my God!

The descent is a bit annoying for those with children, but it's nothing out of this world. We went to where there were several little pools, because we thought it would be good for the kids, but then we had the unpleasant surprise of seeing a lot of jellyfish, including in those little pools. Paddy chose one that had 3 of them and got burned on his hand, poor guy. I didn't see it at the time because I was with Ju while my brother and husband were in the sea, but the crying lasted for 5 minutes and then stopped. When he saw that his father and uncle were also burned and weren't crying, he suddenly got really angry... lol.

Of course, after these scares I was left dry with Ju enjoying the beautiful place.

On the way to our last stop, we passed a road with a beautiful view, look:

Pretty Bay

We parked the car on this beach without much difficulty, because it was already late in the day and many people were already leaving. I really liked the playground in front of the parking lot and the city around it. It looks a bit like a summer resort, but I couldn't find out if it really is.

We walked to the beach, which despite having crystal clear water, didn't completely enchant me, because of the port structure right next to it. I was bothered by the proximity of the ships and always thinking how the water couldn't be clean, etc., but it was worth it to take a quick dip, rest on the sand and see my brother and my son. bonding after almost 6 months of missing it. The best shark joke I've ever seen. <3

Then we left the beach and the children wanted to play in the playground, so we stayed there until we got tired. Then we got in the car and went back to Sliema.

Dining in Sliema

We went to dinner straight from the tour, because we were already hungry and knew that if we went back to the hotel, it would take us a long time to leave. We chose a beautiful restaurant that served Macedonian food and good live music and we really enjoyed it. Kudos especially to the Piroshka!! lol


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