We are Catholic and we love visiting religious buildings when we travel. It's a mix of admiration for the architecture, history and good energy inside them, you know? These are the TOP 5 churches we visited in 2015 that caught our attention the most:
1. Cathedral/Mosque of Cordoba (SPAIN)

THE Mosque – Cathedral of Cordoba It is the city's main attraction and, in my opinion, the most impressive in the entire region of Andalusia and Europe (so far, at least). This cathedral is very special because it is located on the same site as a mosque built by Muslims in the 10th century. They inhabited the region for about 8 centuries, having been expelled by Christians at the end of the 15th century. The building is huge, with a very characteristic Arab courtyard and the interior is impressive, as it mixes the architecture of two very different religions.
More information and photos at POST FROM CORDOBA.
2. The Monolithic Church of St. Emilión (FRANCE)

This church was built from a single stone (this is the meaning of monolithic) in the 11th and 12th centuries and has about 200 km of underground galleries, being the largest of its kind in Europe. Legend has it that a monk named Emilion lived in the city in the 8th century, performing many miracles and being recognized for his generosity. We bought the tickets in advance through Internet and we recommend that you do the same, as the times are set and it is very impressive. You cannot take photos of the interior.
More information and photos at POST OF SAINT EMILION.
3. Borgund Stavekirke (NORWAY)

This wooden church (Stav Church) must have been built around 1150, that is, almost a thousand years ago, and it is believed to be the only one of its kind that has not been modified since its construction. It is impressive how well preserved it is and how many details are embedded in its structure (dragons, snakes and crosses). Its interior is simple and has little light, but it is charming. Its smell is interesting, as is its ceiling, which resembles the bottom of a boat.
More information and photos at POST BY BORGUND STAVEKIRKE.
4. Siena Cathedral (ITALY)

THE Siena Cathedral It is beautiful on the outside, just like the Florence Cathedral, but it was its interior that won me over and made it on this list. The marble floor is CRAZY BEAUTIFUL, with 56 panels of historical and biblical scenes, painted by 40 artists over 200 years. Luckily for us, we went during the period when these panels are uncovered (August 21 to October 27) and we were able to see one more beautiful than the other! Plan to be enchanted too. I apologize for the poor photo, but I forgot my camera that day. Just click in this Google link to see more images from there.
More information and photos at POST FROM SIENA AND MONTERIGGIONE.
5. Seville Cathedral (SPAIN)

THE Seville Cathedral It is the largest Gothic cathedral and the third largest in the world. It is beautiful on the outside and impressive on the inside, with many details on the main altar, the choir, the organs, the walls and the tomb of Christopher Columbus. You can climb the Giralda and the view from there is spectacular. To enter the cathedral, you can buy a ticket in advance online (it is worth it, because the line is usually long).
More information and photos at POST FROM SEVILLE.
So, did you like it? We want to know which churches are your favorites! 😉
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Borgund Stavekirke ….. I found it impressive!!! I love wooden churches!!! I visited Chiloé, a Chilean island where there is the largest collection of wooden churches in Chile. Beautiful centuries-old churches!!!