1 week in Búzios with family and friends
We rented a house on Geribá beach, in Búzios, and spent a wonderful week with family and friends enjoying the Rio summer.
We rented a house on Geribá beach, in Búzios, and spent a wonderful week with family and friends enjoying the Rio summer.
We spent 5 wonderful days with my brother's family at their beach house in Guaratuba, near Riviera São Lourenço, on the coast of São Paulo.
We spent 14 days in Bahia enjoying Itacimirim, Guarajuba and Praia do Forte with our families and it was the best way to end the year!
We spent 4 days in this wonderful hotel in Búzios with our whole family and enjoyed every minute!
We spent 4 days at this farm hotel in RJ and ended 2022 with a bang with a great party!! Come see
I'm glad we spent those days in Itacimirim and Guarajuba in Bahia before the pandemic started. It was crucial for my sanity!
We traveled to Brazil in December to enjoy Christmas with most of our family and decided to spend New Year's Eve 2019/2020 there again.
Our 2018/2019 New Year's Eve was in Teresópolis with part of the family and lots of fun in the pool and with the hotel's animals.
Our 9-day itinerary through Bahia with Patrick, who was less than 9 months old. We went to Salvador, Guarajuba and Praia do Forte
We spent 4 days in Búzios learning how to travel with a baby and it was so great. We were able to enjoy the pool, beach and restaurants and we want more!
Backpacks and Backpacks. All Rights Reserved. By Dzign.