In 2011 I decided to start my backpacking life traveling nearby and the destinations were Argentina and Chile, in South America. AndI was dating and the idea was to go together, but we broke up shortly before the trip and I decided to do my first backpacking trip alone.
I spent 30 days backpacking around without worrying about pleasing anyone but myself. It was an incredible and unforgettable experience that I recommend to everyone. 🙂
Here is a summary of the steps to make the trip happen:
- The first thing I did was to schedule my 30-day vacation at the company, according to the dates of my other colleagues. I researched the best times to travel and thought May would be a good time, because it is considered low season and the weather is pleasantly cool in both countries.
- I looked at how much I had saved in my fund to decide how much I could spend on the trip and calculated how much I could spend per day. This was the budget for the trip, in other words, it was really easy to calculate: TOTAL/30 = X. I just had to keep track of my budget every day in my notebook… (PS. At the end of the trip, of course I was over budget… lol).
- I researched the cities I wanted to visit, mainly in backpackers forum, and I made sure to buy Zizo Asnis’s backpacker guides to Argentina and Chile – Traveler's Guide Chile and Argentina Traveler's Guide. I chose these two because they have a more backpacking profile, without so many fancy and expensive places and with tips for getting discounts and taking cheap tours. These are the ones here, look:

4. I plotted the itinerary with the help of Google Maps, choosing how many days I wanted to stay in each place and optimizing the routes to be taken. I put the details of the itinerary in a spreadsheet Google Docs so you can access it from home and work and then share it with family and friends.
5. I looked for hostels in these two websites – Hostels and HostelWorld. I ended up discovering the YHA hostel chain this website and I got their membership card to get a discount at the chain's hostels. What I found coolest about this website It's perfect for booking multiple hostels in a timeline. It's perfect for backpackers! I booked hostels in almost every city I was going to visit and only had to pay 5% of the total amount to make the reservations. I chose almost all the shared rooms because they were cheaper and I don't regret it.
6. I researched buses from one city to another, just to get an idea of prices and duration. I decided to buy some bus tickets for the night to save on hostels and not waste days on the road.
7. With the itinerary set, I researched the tickets and ended up buying them with miles from TAM and GOL (a total of 11,000 miles for the round trip), but I already had an idea that I would pay these amounts because I had been following the route for a while. I got off in Buenos Aires and came back from Santiago, so I didn't even need to go back to other cities because of the tickets. I also bought tickets for just one leg of the trip (Santiago – San Pedro do Atacama – Santiago).
8. I went looking for a backpack for backpackers and found one designed especially for women. Deuter. It was expensive, but worth every penny. It has a little backpack attached and I used it to go out walking around the streets while the big one was in the locker from the hostel.
9. I provided the VTM (Visa Travel Money), debit card with international rates better than the rates on my Santander card. I bought the VTM from Banco Rendimento for website of the company Price, I entered the amount in reais that I wanted to spend and as I spent in Argentine or Chilean pesos, they converted it and debited it from my Santander card. I thought it was great for its practicality and security! The cool thing is that if I had lost the card, I could just call the call center and they would block it and send me another one in a short time, so I thought it was ideal for anyone who is going to backpack. You never know what might happen, right?
10. I bought another SD Card for the camera and a pen drive very powerful to gradually transfer the photos there.
11. I packed my backpack with everything I wanted to take and tested whether I could carry it comfortably. I even took some things out and changed others to make sure I was as comfortable as possible during the 30 days. In the end, I ended up taking clothes for 15 trips and washing them there. I think I could have even taken clothes for 10 days... No one deserves to travel with a packed backpack, right?
That was it…
Listing it like this seems easy, right? And it really is! People complicate things, believe me… This was my first backpacking trip and I assure you that it changed my mind in many ways. I started to think that life was simpler, to have fewer fears, to believe in myself more, to face challenges in a different way, anyway… I think it was intensive therapy, you know? That's why I think everyone should take a big trip once in their life without anyone else by their side… we discover ourselves! <3
But enough blah blah blah, right?
Now let’s get to the main point – the itinerary! I created the links below with the details of each place I visited. The order was as follows:
- I left Rio de Janeiro for Buenos Aires.
- ARGENTINA – Buenos Aires and Tigre (5 days)
- ARGENTINA – Córdoba, Alta Gracia, Villa Carlos Paz and Villa General Belgrano (3 days)
- ARGENTINA – Mendoza, Uspallata and Puente del Inca (3 days)
- ARGENTINA – Neuquén and San Martin de los Andes (2 days)
- ARGENTINA – Bariloche (4 days)
- CHILE – Puerto Montt and Puerto Varas (2 and a half days)
- CHILE – Pucon (5 and a half days)
- CHILE – Santiago (only to catch the flight to Cálama – San Pedro de Atacama)
- CHILE – Cálama and San Pedro de Atacama (4 days)
- CHILE – Santiago, Vina del Mar and Valparaíso (3 days)
- Return from Santiago to Rio de Janeiro.
Map of places visited:
To find out about each of the stops, just click on the links from each place. Have fun and if you have any questions, just ask! 😉
0 responses
Hey how's it going?
I'm planning to travel to Chile and Argentina alone for now too, but since I've never backpacked alone I'm a little scared. I wanted to know if you had any problems going alone, or if everything went well. From what I've read in the posts I haven't seen any setbacks, but I haven't had time to read everything yet.
Very cool blog!
Hi Rayani! How cool that you're thinking about going to Argentina and you know how long you'll be staying? Where will you go?!
Almost everything went well for me… I would say that the accommodations in Puerto Montt and Pucón were a bit of a dud. If I could do it again, I would take Neuquen off my itinerary… Other than that, everything really went well! I found the people to be very welcoming to Brazilians, especially if you make an effort to speak their language. It’s worth the effort!
Beware of dark places
Your blog is being a huge help on the trip I'm planning to take with a friend. The itinerary we're planning is very similar to yours, except we want to start in Uruguay and then go to Argentina and finally Chile! We're leaving from Fortaleza, and the idea is to travel in June or July (I think it'll be really cold!).
All your tips here are being very useful!!
This will be my first backpacking trip (if I don't do any before then, right? :p), I'm really excited to hit the road!
That's great to hear!!! Don't forget to share your experience later. I really want to visit Uruguay, especially to play in Punta, because I love casinos! =) Kisses
Don't worry, to be fair with all the tips we're getting, I'll share how the trip went later!
ps: I'm not even going to lie that I'm looking forward to a game of poker in Uruguayan casinos heheheh
Hello! I saw that you went in the fall... I'm thinking of going in May too. Tell me, is the weather very cloudy in Pucon, does it rain a lot? My fear is that I'll get bad weather and not see Patagonia at its most beautiful... I know that the best time is summer, but in the fall I believe that all the vegetation is yellow and red.
Hi!! So... the days were very clear in Pucon, but Puerto Montt and Puerto Varas were cloudy. I didn't have to cancel any tours, so I thought it was okay. The vegetation is really beautiful, all orange, and walking in the cool autumn weather is a delight. I want to go back in the summer to some places, but I think it was worth going in the fall too! Kisses
How cool!! All seasons are beautiful...but in autumn with a clear sky there is no one...hehhe...I hope to find days with clear you think Pucon is more worth it than Bariloche?
Well, yes! Well, I think so. Pucon is great…it has everything. If you can, go to San Martin de los Andes…it’s an improved Bariloche. It’s where the wealthy Argentines go to ski and the place is simply beautiful. The houses are all made of wood and stone and the city is very clean and organized, very different from Brasiloche…lol
San Martin is definitely top, and even more so if it's a sunny day, in the middle of autumn... lol... I'm rooting for that... Did you buy the bus tickets there or on the website months in advance? I'm wondering why these new fees for international purchases by credit card are absurd... Is it risky to buy on the day?
Hi Kleber!
I bought some on the spot and others online, but there was no credit card fee... I think it's ok to buy on the spot, but try to arrive a little before the bus time (after checking the time on the internet). It's low season, so go easy!
Hi Brisa!!! Tell me one thing, did you wear a second layer of clothing on cold days in both Atacama and Pucon? I'm going at the same time you went!!
I used…I bought thermals. I think you better make sure…
One more question, did you buy a backpack to travel? Is it heavy or comfortable... I've never done a backpacking trip for such a long time, 20 days... lol... I always travel with a medium-sized suitcase with wheels!! Do you think it's possible to manage with a suitcase with wheels and a backpack for trips or is it better to buy one like yours? lol
I think it's a hassle to have a suitcase with wheels in San Pedro, because there are no paved roads, for example...but in other cities it's fine. Take a look at Deuter backpacks...they're very own is for women, so I don't think it'll suit you =P
In Atacama, that's what I thought...going down into the desert with a suitcase on I'll see...before going down to Chile, I'll stop by Machu Pichu Cuzco!
Oh well…then go with a backpack, please!
Hi, wow, congratulations! I thought your reports were really cool. I'm also planning on doing my first backpacking trip so... Can you tell me how much you spent more or less in 30 days on everything?
Thank you
Hi, Ana! I'm so glad you're thinking about going on your first backpacking'll see that it's a wonderful experience.
I don't remember exactly how much I spent at the time, but I remember it was around 8-10K with all the tickets, accommodation, shopping and meals. I think what made the trip more expensive was the Atacama Desert too... everything there is quite expensive, compared to the rest of the two countries.
Okay.. thank you!! I loved it..
😉 ;*